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Ebedding a Gmap into LocalBiz Vortex Pages and Posts


This is very simple since we have now hard coded gmaps embed into WPLB,.. you dont need any other plugins or key codes so you can really just delete all of them.

We have a video on this process which can be found on the page but for convenience here's the direct link:

Basically,.. all you need to paste in is the Gmaps http address reference.
Here's how to get that:
Say I wanted to embed the map for "275 Alfred St, North Sydney NSW, Australia"
I would go to gMaps at
and paste my target address in the map search box "275 Alfred St, North Sydney NSW, Australia"

Gmaps would then display that map. From there you will see two small icons in the top panel of the left side of the page; 1 is for email and the other for direct link. When you click on the direct link it will give you a code reference like this:,+North+Sydney+NSW,+Australia&hl=en&sll=-31.45737,152.732573&sspn=0.147604,0.338173&oq=2&hnear=275+Alfred+St,+North+Sydney+New+South+Wales+2060,+Australia&t=m&z=16

...which you then paste into the gmaps embed panel after you click the gmaps icon in the page editor (see video)

IMPORTANT: Make sure the http prefix you use for the map link is "http" and NOT "https" otherwise your map wont display.

Make sure to select your map size as well in the page editor (its the option under the address field in the page editor,.. again see video).

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Article ID: 20
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 20-Sep-2012 3:44am
Views: 301
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.1/5.0 (64)

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