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How to remove titles from pages and posts


WordPress has an annoying standard feature that creates a page title using the main title you have set for you page or post.

So for example,... When you create a page called "About Us", that title will appear at the very top of the page and then the effect of that is that when you view the page in the browser it displays two titles so that it give a duplicate effect.

To remedy this issue do this:

Create your page as normal,.. then in Custom Fields (if no Custom Fields panel appears in your editor you can make it appear by clicking the "Screen Options" tab in the top right page editor and then check the box for "custom fields").

Create  a new custom field and name it "title"in the "Name" field (must all be lower case characters: title)

Then in the "Value" field you type "remove" and then click update and save page and that will remove the duplicate page title for you. (must all be lower case characters: remove)

Please note that you must use the exact spelling given for "title" and "remove" in lower case or it will not work.


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Article details
Article ID: 24
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 29-Sep-2012 5:29am
Views: 275
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.1/5.0 (63)

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