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Using the “FancyBox” jQuery popout feature to display your Youtube and Vimeo Videos


LocalBiz Vortex incorporates the use of “FancyBox” jQuery popout lightbox to display Youtube and Vimeo videos. This is done automatically whenever you insert a link to a Youtube or Vimeo video then that video will popout into the lightbox when the video link is clicked. This means you can place any simple link such as “Click to Play Video” anywhere on your site pages or sidebar and have a video popout via lightbox over the page being viewed.
The correct way to write the link is as a standard html anchor text link in the html mode (see examples below).

<a href="">Click To Watch Demo Video</a>
<a href="">Click to watch video</a>

Alternatively, you can make any video pop out via the lightbox by using the code "class="fancyvideo"" prior to the "href" part of the video link.

For examle:  <a class="fancyvideo" href=">Watch Video</a>

IMORTANT: Do NOT use a youtube link using the "watch?v=" code. Instead, you must use "/embed/" , so that this; href="

becomes this; fhref="

If you fail to use the "/embed/" code path format, then the video will delay and might not even play at all.

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Article details
Article ID: 29
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 19-Jan-2013 1:30pm
Views: 472
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.1/5.0 (67)

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