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Correct Code For Fancybox Video & Mobile Video


Here's the code for the fancy popout videos:(note Autoplay will not work in mobile)

Code Using Image Placeholder and Hiding Controls:

<a class="fancyvideo" href="" ><img width="115" height="100" alt="Vortex Video" src="" /></a>

Code Using Inline Text and Showing Controls:

<a class="fancyvideo" href="" >Watch Video</a>


About Mobile Browser Videos

We actually arrived at a special code path inclusion that we had to implement in order for videos to show on iPhone and Android. Basically where the youtube path normally says "/v=" we have to replace with "/embed/" and that makes it work (well one of the things).

IMPORTANT: Here's the correct mobile freindly code for the main featured panel videos:
<iframe width="430" height="320" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe>

NOTE: when you want to have videos play inside the featured panel main window you need to use "custom fields" on the page editor of the page featuring the video panel. Create a "custom field " and in the "name" value of the custom field type in the word "video" (no commas and all lower case) and then paste the video embed code into the "value" field and click save and you're done. Now open up the page and refresh and you'll see your video. (Make sure to size the video 430x320px, or for wider gallery 645px X 320px).


If you have questions then please submit a ticket for support.

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Article ID: 34
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 10-Aug-2013 3:55am
Views: 1051
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.2/5.0 (63)

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