I'd like to keep the "click to call" feature on mobile if possible. How do I change the color of the link text? The blue color on the number is because its showing as a link "click to call". The only way of changing that is through CSS style sheet and changing the link color. The other way would be to disable the click to call link function so that it shows as normal text. Try placing this html meta tag before the phone number: <meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no"> If you want to retain the click to call but wish to change the link color you'll need to change the link color for the entire site. This is not a standard feature in Vortex but one simply remedied if the site owner wishes to. Here's how:in the Control Panel for Vortex, you will see that there are 4 settings to control the Hyperlinks of the site for *Normal, *Hover, *Active and *Visited. Just change them to suit your site.
For example the static link color "a:link" is blue #0066cc. To change it to white would be #ffffff
Best regards, Russell Hall LocalBiz VORTEX Admin LocalBizVortex.com
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