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How to deploy a Vortex ready made niche site


There is a video on this shortlyprocess which you can see by clicking the video link at the end of this article,.. but in the meantime you can follow these simple steps.

Simple Steps To Deployment:

1.Create a new database using the cPanel mySQL database wizard.
2.Upload the entire niche site zip folder to the new site directory (where you want to locate the new site) and then unzip it. This will then unpack the niche site clone zip file and the install.php file into your target site directory.
3. Start the install.php script by typing its address into your browser (e.g. “” don’t forget subfolder extension if site is on a subfolder or subdomain) and then fill in the details of the new database you just created (database name, user name). Click to run the script and you’re done.
4.You’ll need to activate the Vortex theme using your 20-digit keycode. Then click/select on any of the color skin styles in Vortex Control Panel to activate the styling. (You can change this later to suit your requirements).
5.Reset permalinks (just re-click save in wp-admin/settings/permalinks making sure you have selected “custom name as /%postname%/. Change admin email address in wp-admin/general/ to your admin address. Reset password in wp-admin/users/my-profile/. Then tweak your site, perform SEO and add your Keyword Phrases.

There is a video on this process in the Vortex member Tutorials area,.. or you can watch it directly on Youtube by >>clicking here<<

Please Note: The video featured in the above link deals with installing the niche site files to a subfloder domain e.g. However, if you wish to install the niche site files to a root domain such as: you would need to make sure that after you have uploaded the niche zip file to the root directory "", after upacking/unzipping the file you would then see a folder appear named "dentis-niche" which contains the main zip file of the cloned site plus the installer.php file that you need to naigate to in your browser when deploying the site. What you need to do is to click open the newly unpacked folder "dentist-niche" and once open you click "select all" and then use the cPanel "move" file function and move both files to your root domain (usually "public_htnl/",... but could be "public_html/ Once you've done that you can the navigate to and begin the deployment process. To be clear: if you didn't go through the above mentioned process and left the two operative deployment files in the folder "dentist-niche" then the only way you could deploy the site (i.e. access the installer.php file) would be to navigate to "", and if you did that, your newly deployed site would end up being deployed to a subfolder domain ""






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Article ID: 4
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 25-Aug-2012 3:33am
Views: 892
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.2/5.0 (78)

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