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Uploading the PDF eBook to your server


We've had a couple of inquiries asking "What's the best way of uploading the free eBook "Getting More Internet Customers" to my site so it can be ready for download.

Here's a simple guide as it's real simple.

There are two basic and simple ways you can do this.

OK,.. so lets assume you've edited your eBook via MS Word and then saved it as a PDF.

Method 1) Go into WP-Admin of your site and click on Media/add-new. An upload box will display and you then just locate the PDF file on your PC and upload it. Once uploaded it will appear in the media library. Click on the PDF file reference in the library and click "edit". At the bottom of the edit panel you'll see a field named "File URL". Click to copy that file URL and then you have the URL file path that you can share so that anyone can download the PDF. For example,...the File URL to the eBook will look like this: (example only from our demo site)

Method 2) Using either FTP or cPanel uploader you would select a folder destination on your server and upload the file there. For example if your website was called then you could create a folder and give it any name (for example) "resources" and then upload the pdf there. In which case your file path for downloading would be something like:

I would say out of the two that method 1) is the simplest.

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Article details
Article ID: 40
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 3-Jan-2014 5:30am
Views: 264
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.0/5.0 (63)

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