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How Do I Make LocalBiz Vortex Sites "Responsive"


The LocalBiz Vortex theme is automatically responsive. The responsiveness already coded into the styling of the theme.
If you reduce the size of the browser screen on your site you'll see what I mean.
Or you can enter the site URL at and choose your demo device and view in both portrait and landscape views.

Also: in the LocalBiz Vortex Central Control Panel in the "General" tab you'll see a field entry box named: "enable mobile landing page"; all that does is to send all mobile phone viewers to the page you've nominated. So you could create a special mobile landing page for mobile (e.g. mywebsite/mobile1) and all mobile visitors will see that page first. After they navigate away from that page and then if clicking "Home" again they go to your home page... its simply to give you more control for the first time/first page mobile visitor ;-)

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Article ID: 44
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 20-Oct-2014 12:35pm
Views: 468
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.2/5.0 (66)

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