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Why would someone want to spin the content (daily, weekly, monthly) once its spun?


Personally, I just like to spin once,.then edit and fine tune, perform SEO, format page and leave it like that.

But some marketers are saying that there is added SEO value when Google sees you adding new content so therefore a Vortex webmaster could set it up for 7,14,28,30 days so that all the content changes and that includes the title (post title). When Google spiders the site they see this as fresh content and so give the page better ranking and the site marked with a higher relevance or active authority site status.

The choice is yours to use the powerful Vortex features as you choose.

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Article ID: 7
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 25-Aug-2012 3:49am
Views: 322
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.0/5.0 (63)

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