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Checklist for items to be tended to after installation of LocalBiz VORTEX niche site


Checklist for items to be tended to after installation of Vortex niche site

Many people have asked for a checklist of essential items that need to be attended to once a Vortex niche content site has been installed. Some people have more experience than others and as such seem to be able to make their own adjustments but even so this list may server as a reminder of some of the items that should be attended to before you deploy your site fully.

Before I start to cover the main aspects of changes that you should be making I'd just like to point out one very important thing which is that,- these niche sites are populated using spun content and that there will be some phrases and sentences that whilst being readable do not have good grammar and/or seem out of context. The quality of a syntax spin on each spin event is different each time and some spins are better than others.
Therefore,.. it is HIGHLY recommended that you check the content and make some manual changes. It may take you a couple of hours to read over each paragraph of each page and then make a few changes but it will be well worth the effort.
Remember that with Vortex you can use the "spin now" button to respin the content at will until you arrive at a spun version you are most satisfied with.

Other items for checking are as follows:

* Make changes to hCard details in WPLB control panel to suit your website

* Make changes to the header and sub header text in Vortex control panel to suit your website.

* Add personal details to footer pages (*Terms, *Privacy, *Legal etc) but only if you wish to personalise these as the generic versions are just fine.

* Choose your Keyword Phrases (KWP’s) for all pages and articles (Posts) and insert them into the text throughout. This will involve some searching of existing words with keyword relevance (example; for Plumber site you may wish to search for instances of the word “plumber” and replace them with “24 hour emergency plumber [name of city/suburb]”).

* Use a WP SEO plugin (such as the Yoast WP SEO) to optimize you KWP’s for the page meta title, main KWP’s etc etc. This is a simple enough plugin to set up basically for each page but you still need to learn how to apply the fuller potential of the plugin which we can’t advise you on and don’t give direct support for as this is an aspect of your own learning curve in applying Internet marketing techniques.

* Replace any images you wish to personalize or attain basic license for existing images and then rename them to conform with your KWP’s. Example: an image named “man_with_wrench_76392-small.jpg” could be turned into “24-hour-emergency-plumber-name of city/suburb-1.jpg”,.. and if you had more than one image on the page that your emphasizing your KWP you could use “24-hour-emergency-plumber-name of city/suburb-2.jpg” etc etc.

* Set up your contact page with your own details and use a contact form of choice. There are many different WP contact forms such as Cforms-7, cForms, Formbuilder, ContactMe, EasyContact, MagicContact, etc etc. All forms have their own settings, features and dynamics. They will all work with WP-LocalBiz and you will have to choose whichever one suits you best. Personally I like to use the WP-AntiSpam plugin which has it’s own form. We also install the cForms7 plugin on the demo sites but set up is basic and we don’t get into the full dynamics and styling of the plugin. We can offer basic set up instruction but to explore the full dynamics you’d need to further study the plugin manual.

* Change the testimonial contents with your own testimonials or use “SEO tips”, “topical tips” or whatever you choose. You will find this adjustment via the Vortex Control panel under the "Testimonials" tab.

* Change the red arrow call to action text to suit your own site

* Change footer detail in WPLB control panel/Footer to suit your own site credits.

* Set up an RSS feedburn at and apply the details into the Feedburner plugin of your choice.

* Set up your home page (using the main WP page editing panel) to reflect that which you wish to display in the mobile website layout via the WPTouch plugin (if in doubt you can submit a support ticket).

These are the main things that need to be amended once you take over your newly installed niche site, but you can add even more by adding more content such as extra pages or articles, adding more or amending Q & A’ to FAQ’s, adding/changing images, adding video and linking it to Youtube, adding links to your own “blogroll” (suggest renaming “blogroll” to “site links”).

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Article ID: 21
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 20-Sep-2012 3:51am
Views: 807
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.1/5.0 (62)

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