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How do I get my articles/posts into a syntaxed format?


The articles we have used that have the syntaxed text have been spun using a spinner software. Mostly I do this myself as I have outsourced it before and been somewhat disappointed with the results.

There are several options available so let me go over them quickly and explain what I use and how I do it (this could save you a ton of time and frustration and some cash too).

There are a few renowned good spinner sofware products on the market. The main players are:
1) The Best Spinner
2) SpinChimp
3) Spin Rewriter
4) Magic Spinner
All are good but whereas I started with Magic Spinner, I later started using The Best Spinner as it gave an autospin option that was brilliant (I still reckon its hard to beat although SpinChimp's latest upgrade product gives it a run for its money.
If you look at The Best Spinner (TBS) demo page and give it a run you'll see what I mean by auto spins of good quality.
All of these spinners use synonym replacement. The more advanced software options allow import or online access to their database of synonyms that have been added as a result of common use by other members so it's a kind of smart technology that uses real life examples rather than dictionary generated mumbo jumbo.

One final alternative I will leave you with which is well worth considering is to use which in my experience (after much testing and countless hours of frustration) discovered to be the best article outsourcing service. Not expensive and of a good to high quality of native speaking writers that deliver the good,... and the great part is that they auto spin for you so you have the option to download your ordered article(s) as plain text or as syntaxed text. Its not perfect nor is it as good as using say TBS on my own settings and then giving it the once over,... but sure is good enough to use and then fine tune later.

Footnote: to be clear; I have personally spun into syntax all of the content of our 15 niche vault titles plus the Consultant site. Therefore the information given is relative to the product of extra article material you may wish to produce for your own website.

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Article ID: 31
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 17-Mar-2013 7:39am
Views: 333
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.0/5.0 (61)

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