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What should I be charging for the niche websites?


Q. Can you tell me a price on what we should be charging for the nich websites?

A. It really depends on a few things.

1) How much extra detail and tweaking you'll be doing to the site by way of adding more content, images, videos etc. Also SEO and keywords as well as setting up any lead generation using optin forms or setting up an automated phone number using services like Vumber or Call Central or whoever.

2) Assuming that you've got the site tweaked for it to work in any given niche you could do few things:
A) learn what prices your competitors in the area are asking for similar sites and then offer yours at the same price or better still at $100 to $200 less.
B) Set a fixed price of say $297 and then add on charges for hosting and SEO and further content.
You could even charge a lower price for the site if you're getting hosting fees up front as that adds to the initial income you get when delivering the site.

We have some members working certain niches getting $597 per site and $997 per site quite easily,.. especially considering that the sites a fully responsive and give an immediate mobile phone site solution so the customer/client is getting two for one so to speak!
One other is USA sells custom sites for $1997 that have had quite a bit of work done to them with custom headers and images, videos etc. These guys are very much immersed in this particular niche (real estate) and worked for several months to establish their model and strike a deal with a broker network. They now make a lot of money within that niche.

Hope that helps!

For anyone wanting to get hands on support or mentoring in this regard you should submit a ticket and we can assist you from there.

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Article ID: 37
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 11-Aug-2013 5:37am
Views: 325
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.1/5.0 (60)

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